Andy Schectman | 30 Questions & Answers Including: BRICS, Why Has Gold Moved from $444 Per Oz. to $2,400 Per Oz. Since 2005? 98% of Countries Developing CBDCs? Why Are the Most Well Informed Investors Buying Gold?
Peter Thiel | Why Did Former Head of LA FBI Say? "Terrorism, They Are Using It As an Excuse to Take Away Our Constitutional Rights! The Bilderbergs." - Ted Gunderson | Why Is Peter Thiel On Bilderberg Steering Committee?
Nex | Why is Yuval Noah Harari's New Book Title, "Nexus?" What Does the Word "Nex" Mean In Latin? Why Does "Nex" In Latin Mean: To Bind Together, to Murder, Slaughter, & Violent Death | "This Is the End of Human
Anti-Radiation Medication | Why Did the United States Department of Health and Human Services Just Buy $300 Million of Anti-Radiation Poisoning Medication?
BRICS | Here Is Your Sign?| Why Are 126 Nations Meet To Discuss Ditching Dollar? | Why Are Bloomberg & Wallstreet Journal Reporting Gold to Hit $3K Per Ounce? BRICS Pay In Final Development Stage? Buffett BOA Sell-Off?
Super Bowl | Super Bowl or Super BAAL? Did You Know That 11 of the 12 Apostles Died Terrible Deaths? Why Is Musk Pushing a Carbon Tax? + Why Is Satan Being Celebrated? What Is the Connection Between Musk, Harari, Schwab & China?
42 | What Is Elon Musk's Glass House Project 42? Why Does Musk Often Discuss the 42? What Is the Origin of the DOGE? Did You Know the Eastern Roman Empire Was Lead By the DOGE? What Is the Purpose of Neuralink?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | "Oh btw I’m building a cyborg dragon." - Elon Musk -4/25/24 + Discover 42 Alarming X Posts Related to Elon Musk | Rev: 12:9, Rev: 16-12-14, Daniel 2:42-43 + Why Does Elon Musk Post, "Deus X Machina"?
Elon Musk | What Is Elon Musk's Glass House Project 42? Why Does Musk Often Discuss 42? What Is the Origin of the DOGE? Did You Know the Eastern Roman Empire Was Lead By the DOGE? What Is the Purpose of Neuralink?
Taylor Swift | Why Is Taylor Swift Pushing the Normalization of Witchcraft, the LGBTQ Agenda & the Abortion Agenda? Why Is the Mainstream Media Pushing Witchcraft, the LGBTQ Agenda & Abortion? + Meet a CEO Who Is Pushing Back Against the Left
Steve Bannon | Bannon Interviews Clay Clark On Why Losing Is Not An Option & Why Inflation, Corruption In Hollywood & the Persecution of Peter Navarro, President Trump & God-Fearing Americans Are Fueling the "ReAwakening"
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LIVE - Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Pushing a Carbon Tax? Why Will the Republican Party Support & Rally Around Peter Navarro? Support Peter Navarro Today At:
Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Pushing a Carbon Tax? Why Will the Republican Party Support & Rally Around Peter Navarro? Support Peter Navarro Today At:
United Nations | UN Chief António Guterres | Why Did António Guterres Say, "Today Humanity Is Just One Misunderstanding and Miscalculation Away from Nuclear Annihilation?"
The Great Reset | Why Are President Biden, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Klaus Schwab & China's Leader Xi Jinping Attending the G20 In Bali to Together?
Yuval Noah Harari | "Anything You Can Do, This System Can Do Better. In the 21st Century Most Humans Will Find Themselves In a New Class of Humanity, the USELESS Class." Why Is Yuval Leading the Largest Protests In Israel's History?
Robert Kiyosaki | 8 URGENT Questions & Answers Including: BRICS, Why Has Gold Gone from $444 Per Oz. to $2,400 Per Oz. Since 2005? 98% of Countries Developing CBDCs? Why Are Most Wealth-Informed Investors Buying Gold?