Standards Council Of Canada: Biodigital Convergence Standards : Francois Coallier claims Biobanking is a cornerstone of Biodigital Convergence IEC,IEEE,ITU
The Convergence Of Engineering, nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology And Cognitive Science the Creative Union Of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering And Peoples, Human Augmentation Bioconvergence
GLOBAL Universities Currently Working On And Teaching Their PHD Students About IoBnT/nanonetworks/MC Communication Biodigital Convergence For Industry 4.0.-6G "And Beyond" In The Fourth Industrial Revolution &5IR
Seriously how weak can you really be! Call them all out who hide information about the ITU(J-FET) ITU(IoBnT) ITU(AKILDIZ MOLECULAR COMMUNICATION) ISO,IEC BIODIGITAL CONVERGENCE STANDARDS!
Quorom Sensing for cyber physical systems w/ NIST & Rice University 6G "And Beyond" Biodigital Convergence - All The Stuff You Aren't Being Told In The "Truther" Communities!