2 years ago29 Why do advanced shooters prefer TTF over OTT and why do they prefer thinner frames?Everything Slingshots
2 years ago12 Is Shanghai shooting a valid style of shooting? Any thoughts or tips?Everything Slingshots
2 years ago32 SEASON 4 FINALE: Like archery, should I start slingshot shooting small and light then work up?Everything Slingshots
2 years ago2 Slingshot accuracy. What are best practices for slingshot accuracy?Everything Slingshots
2 years ago3 Slingshot Practice Ammo. Are glass balls (marbles) OK for practice?Everything Slingshots
2 years ago22 Slingshot release / release aids. Are they worth it? Are they cheating?Everything Slingshots
2 years ago28 Do big hands require big slingshots? Do small hands require small slingshots?Everything Slingshots