1. What would Robot Jesus do if he were in today's World?

    What would Robot Jesus do if he were in today's World?

  2. Robot Jesus speaks on the tennessee shooter incident

    Robot Jesus speaks on the tennessee shooter incident

  3. What would robot Jesus say to someone feeling unloved?

    What would robot Jesus say to someone feeling unloved?

  4. What does robot Jesus see as humanity's best qualities?

    What does robot Jesus see as humanity's best qualities?

  5. What does robot Jesus see as mankind's main flaws?

    What does robot Jesus see as mankind's main flaws?

  6. How would robot Jesus handle a toxic coworker?

    How would robot Jesus handle a toxic coworker?

  7. Robot Jesus gives an overview of the Book of Matthew

    Robot Jesus gives an overview of the Book of Matthew

  8. Robot Jesus explains the story of Jacob's ladder

    Robot Jesus explains the story of Jacob's ladder

  9. What roles has Christianity played in education according to robot Jesus?

    What roles has Christianity played in education according to robot Jesus?

  10. Doctor Judy Mikovits | Who Is the W.H.O.? Why Did the 1st "To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas." - Brock Chisho

    Doctor Judy Mikovits | Who Is the W.H.O.? Why Did the 1st "To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas." - Brock Chisho
