ReAwaken America Tour Team Heads to Miami, Florida for May 12th & 13th 2023 ReAwaken America Tour Featuring General Flynn, Dr Stella Immanuel, Jim Breuer, E. Trump, Patel, Jimmy Levy, Lindell, Dr. Mikovits & Pastor Benjamin!!! Let's Go!!!
Dr. Mikovits | CBDCS | Are CBDCs Coming To America July 2023?!!! "Federal Reserve Announces July Launch for the FedNow." - March 15th 2023 | "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." Yuval Noah Harari
CBDC | "You Can Now Pay for Your Panera Sandwich With the Palm of Your Hand. The Restaurant Chain Partnering with To Test Its Palm Reading Technology." - Yahoo! Finance (March 26th 2023)
L'ISOLA DI PLASTICA NELL'OCEANO PACIFICO-Cos'è e come si è formata la Great Pacific Garbage Patch DOCUMENTARIO isole di plastica e l'inquinamento di oceani,corsi d'acqua e problema dei rifiuti e delle microplastiche
Grammys | Why Did the 2023 Grammys Have a Satan Theme? Why Were the 2023 Satanic-Themed Grammys Sponsored By Pfizer? Did the 2023 Grammys Feature Satanic Rituals? Why Did the Satanic Temple Open An Abortion Clinic to Offer Free Ritual Abortions?
Dollar Collapse | "The Banking Crisis Is Just Beginning. Yesterday, the Saudis, Brazil & China Enter Into a Deal Where the Petrodollar Is Over. That's Means a DOLLAR COLLAPSE. That Means We Become Venezuela." - Glenn Beck (3/30/2023)
CBDCS | Are CBDCs Coming To America July 2023?!!! "Federal Reserve announces July launch for the FedNow Service" - March 15th 2023 | "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari
Dollar Collapse | "Our Currency Is Crashing And Will Soon No Longer Be the World's Standard. Which Will Be Our Greatest Defeat Frankly In 200 Years. There Will Be No Defeat Like That." - President Donald J. Trump (April 5th 2023)