2 years agoDIY Built-In Cabinets and Floating Shelves | Updating our Living Room | 2022/18Dad It Yourself DIY
2 years agoR&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #59 -- Tuesday, November 15th, 2022). Founding Chair: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko z"l. Co-Chairs: Laurie Cardoza-Moore, Rabbi Chananya Weissman, Frank Zelenko. Guest Speaker: Scott MantelR&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Medical FellowshipVerified
2 years agoR&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #69 -- Tuesday, January 24th, 2023). Aaron Abadi, Uriel Ben-Mordechai, Scott MantelR&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Medical FellowshipVerified
2 years agoIm Stich gelassen – die Covid-Impfopfer (Servus TV I Servus Reportage I 19.01.2022)PruefeAllesGlaubeWenigDenkeSelbst
2 years agoR&B Monthly Seminar: Erev Rav and Amalek (Episode #54 -- January 12th, 2023). Chair: C. Weissman (ISRAEL). Panelists: A. Abadi (U.S.A.), U. Ben-Mordechai (ISRAEL), S. Mantel (U.S.A.). Topic: "Pro Se Fighters Against Covid Tyranny"R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Erev Rav And Amalek Research FellowshipVerified