2 months ago#orthodoxy #orthodoxfaith #orthodoxchristian #ορθόδοξοσ #pravoslavlje #athos #mountathosSrdjanNS
2 months agoThe beauty of the Orthodox Church #orthodoxy #orthodoxfaith #orthodoxchristian #pravoslavljeSrdjanNS
2 months ago@srpskaistorija365 Bell of Saint Sava Temple #orthodoxy #orthodoxfaith #orthodoxchristianSrdjanNS
2 months agoHilandar monastery, Mount Athos @gowinescape #mountathos #orthodoxfaith #orthodoxchristianSrdjanNS
2 months agoOrthodox nuns #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaith #pravoslavlje #ορθόδοξοσSrdjanNS
1 month agoRare video with St. Paisios of Mount Athos and Rare audio with St. Paisios singing Psalm 135SrdjanNS
1 month agoOrthodox in winter is so beautiful #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaith #ορθόδοξοσSrdjanNS
1 month agoRussian chant - Се, Жених грядет в полунощи Behold, the Bridegroom cometh at midnightSrdjanNS
1 month agoByzantine hymn - Orthodox chant #byzantine #byzantinechant #orthodox #orthodoxchristianSrdjanNS
5 days agoRare Orthodox Chant - Greek Orthodox Monk Σπάνιο Ορθόδοξο Άσμα - Ελληνορθόδοξος ΜοναχόςSrdjanNS
2 months agoOn the 22nd of November the Orthodox Church commemorates St. Iakovos Tsalikis #orthodoxySrdjanNS
4 months agoAbout Council II and the Holy Tridentine Mass-Sobre el Concilio II y la Santa Misa TridentinaChannelConhecimentoAndSabedoria
3 months agoEastern Orthodox Christians of the Philippines #orthodoxy #orthodoxfaith #orthodoxchristianSrdjanNS
2 months agoPure hearts know each other. This shows when a wolf befriends this Serbian orthodox monk, God bless.SrdjanNS
1 month agoOrthodox Cats #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #theotokos #christianity #orthodoxfaith #ορθόδοξοσSrdjanNS
2 months agoOrthodox Jordan @orthodox.jor #orthodoxy #orthodoxfaith #orthodoxchristian #ορθόδοξοσSrdjanNS
1 month agoRussian orthodox chant - Покаяния отверзи ми двери Open the doors of repentance to meSrdjanNS
1 month agoBulgarian Orthodox Chant Българско православно песнопение #orthodoxy #bulgarianorthodox #bulgariaSrdjanNS
1 month agoOrthodox brotherhood #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaith #ορθόδοξοσ #pravoslavljeSrdjanNS
1 month agoThe Confession of Faith #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaith #pravoslavljeSrdjanNS
1 month agoFind courage in knowing Jesus is Lord #orthodoxy #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxfaithSrdjanNS