#290 NEW Maricopa County Election FRAUD: 15.5% Of Voting Machines Have Ballot Counts That DON’T MATCH The Voting RESULTS! STOLEN Votes, Voices, Freedoms & Sacred Rights Of The Arizona People By REPUBLICANS | SG ANON
#287 NOV 8 Voting Machines REAL RESULTS…The Number On The Public Counter DOES NOT MATCH The Tapes For 23 Voting Centers…Why Haven’t Any Attorneys Brought This To Court? PROOF You’ve NEVER Seen!
#302 ABE HAMADEH WON ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ARIZONA...PROOF! But He Won't Bring It To Court & Take His Seat BUT Loves To Take Our Donations...DEMAND HE DOES IT NOW! Abe Can Save Arizona & America By SETTING ASIDE His Election!