EWU: Humble Agnostic Comes Prepared w/ Questions, Two Hypocrites Defend Their Sinning, Most Hostile Crowd Yet, Crowd of 50 Students Gather, Exalting Jesus Christ
Univ of Nevada, Reno: Another Massive Crowd, Homosexuals & Skeptics Join Forces With Catholics and Hypocrites As They Reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Sam Houston State Univ: Heckler Decked In Rainbow Waiting For Me, Lesbians Oppose Me, Large Crowd Forms, One Sinner Calls The Police On Me, Another Rowdy Day As I Exalt Jesus Christ
Penn State: Sinner Spits In My Face, Apathy Reigns Supreme, Preaching With Penn State Professor Once Again, Exalting Jesus Christ To Thousands of Students
Central Washington Univ: Very Calm & Sober Crowd, Lots of Great Questions, Preaching Jesus Christ & Holiness, Great Fellowship w/ Fellow Saints Who Came Out To Support Me, Wonderful Day of Evangelism!
UC Santa Barbara: Large Crowds, Mostly Hostile, As I Contend w/ Homosexuals, Kissing Lesbians, Mockers, Jews, a Rabbi, Atheists, Muslims & Hypocrites -- Jesus Christ Preached To Thousands!
Univ of North Carolina: Rowdy, Hostile Crowds, Contending With Many Lesbians & Sexual Perverts, Dealing with Hypocrites, Two Christian Students Help Me, Preaching Jesus Christ
Sacramento State University: Hundreds Gather, I Rebuke Lesbians & The Crowd Grows Volatile, Student Throws Chocolate Shake At Me, Jesus Christ Is Exalted As The Students Gnash Their Teeth In Rage
Brother & Street Preacher Gabriel Asked About Romans 14, Colossians 2, Book of Galatians Regarding Keeping Shabbat, Rebuking Elijah, Matthew & Kerrigan Skelly A Second Time, Exalting Jesus! A Bible Study on Rom 14, Col 2, Galatians
FSU: Hypocrite Tears Up, I Rebuke Her And This Draws Crowd of 40 People (About the 1 hour and 50 minute mark), Dealing w/ Lesbians, Perverted Women, Homosexuals, Atheists, Agnostics, Proving the Bible True, Exalting Jesus Christ!