Prophecy 153, 102 Excerpts - Earth SHATTERING As YAH & YAHUSHUA SPEAK About Soon Great Tribulation. Famines/Locusts/satanic Cannibalism/Hellywood/Giants Fall From Skies/Astounding FAITH/Miracle Manna! (mirrored)
Zombie & Clone Reality! Being an Overcomer in Great Tribulation! Carnal weapons useless & more. YAH'S Instructions in Prophecy 47 given in 2001 (mirrored)
WOMEN MAY NOT BELIEVE IN POLYGAMY BUT VERY SOON YOU WILL NEED SALVATION EVE🕎Isaiah 4:1 “And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name,