Best Business Podcast | Why Not You? Why Not Now? Will You Choose to Find the Time to Become Successful? “If The Why Is Powerful, the How Is Easy.” - Jim Rohn (Best-Selling Author) + The Art of “THE MAN LUNCH”
All these folks wondering Who is this guy @Nonvaxer420 calling out all these "Good" doctots & Alex Jones & Kingston & SHIT? 😅 🖕 YOU #ITU #IEEE #IEC #HORIZONS #NATO
Best Business Podcast | "If You Don't Know Your Numbers, You Won't Succeed." - Tilman Feritta (Owner of Houston Rockets, CEO of Landry's) + Join Eric Trump & Kiyosaki At March 6-7 Business Workshop)
"mRNA technology is a good fit for gene editing. We want to make these editing proteins for just a short period of time to modify the genome. And producing the editing enzymes transiently helps to reduce the potential for off-target effects."
Best Business Podcast | Understanding the CREATIVE Process & Songwriting 202 + 5X Growth "Before We Teamed Up w/ Clay Clark, We Didn't Have Any Systems or Processes." - Founder