Elon Musk | "Overwhelming Opinion Among the Scientific Community Is That CO2 Is Causing Global Warming. We Are Going to Run Out of Oil & Coal." 3/15/13 + "My Top Recommendation Would Be to Add a Carbon Tax." 2/2/21
SATAN | Where Does Satan Dwelleth? Why Are CERN, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization And GAVI (The Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunizations Headquartered in Geneva Where Antipas Was Martyred?
King Charles | What Is King Charles Talking About? "We Need a Vast Military Style Campaign...With Trillions As HIS Disposal far Beyond Global GDP." - King Charles
Climate Change | "There Is No Definitive Scientific Proof That Carbon Dioxide Is Responsible for the Slight Warming of the Global Climate During the Last 300 Years." - Patrick Moore (Former President of Greenpeace Canada)
Satan | Where Does Satan Dwell? Why Are the United Nations, the World Health Organization, GAVI (The Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunizations), And the World Economic Forum All Based In Switzerland? Revelation 9:11 & Revelation 2:13