Geneva | Does the Bible Say Satan Dwells In Geneva, Switzerland? (READ: Revelation 9:11 & Rev 2:13) | Why Are CERN, the World Health Organization, the United Nations & the Google Quantum Computer All Located In Geneva?
Julie Green | Yemen Enters Conflict w/ Israel!!! A Biblical Look At Conflict In Israel Including: Israel’s Fight Against Hamas In Gaza, Israel’s Fight Against Hezbollah, Israel’s Fight Against Damascus & Israel’s Fight for Survival + Is Geneva
The Bible | How to Read the Bible (Part 2) | Discover 40 Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled Right Now (Aaron Antis & Clay Clark) | SEE THE DESCRIPTION FOR ALL 40 CITED BIBLICAL REFERENCES
Kim Clement | Kim Clement Ministries Interviews Clay Clark About: Why Are CERN, the World Economic Forum, GAVI & The World Health Organization All Located In Geneva, Switzerland? "Stench In the Air (In Geneva)." - Kim Clement + Rev 2:13 &
Geneva, Switzerland | Why Is CERN, the WHO, the WEF, GAVI & the U.N. Located In Geneva? "Everything In the World Related to Democide Is Located In Geneva." - Pascal Najadi (Son of WEF Co-Founder) | Rev 2:13 + Revelation 16:12-14