General Flynn | Has the Exponential Implementation of the Great Reset Began? Has Klaus Schwab’s Economic-Freedom Killing Agenda Began? Who Is Henry Kissinger? Why Did King Charles Help Turn On a Climate Clock Counting Unto 2030?
John Stockton | Does America Need a TOUGH Pick & Roll? | NBA Hall-of-Famer John Stockton, General Flynn and Dr. Simone Gold | What Is John Stockton Doing to Fight for Medical Freedom? + What Is General Flynn Doing to Fight for Justice In America?
The Elites Vs. Freedom | "We Can Distinguish Between An ELITE Population Which Will Have Benefits of the Fourth Industrial & At the Lower End We the Proletariat." - Schwab | "We Are Talking About the End of Human History." - Yuval
Lance Wallnau | Is the Spirit of Pythos Here? Why Is U.K. Sensoring Russell Brand? Why Is Canada Re-Educating Jordan Peterson? Why Did AMEX Slash MyPillow’s Credit Line By 90%? Will Banks Begin Restricting Purchasing Freedom Next?