FACT: First Republic was the 14th-largest commercial bank in the U.S. at the end of 2022, according to the Fed, while Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank were the 16th and 19th-biggest, respectively:
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First Republic Bank | Why Is First Republic Bank Collapsing As BRICS Membership Is Expanding? Why Are COVID-19 Vaccines Being Put Inside Our Food? Should You Put Your Trust In Your Regional Bank or Your Food Bank?
First Republic Bank | "Shares of First Republic Bank Plunged to Another Record Low On Monday." - Reuters (April 27th 2023) | The 14th-Largest Commercial Bank In the U.S. At the End of 2022, First Republic Hangs in Balance as Shares Plummet Again
First Republic Bank | "First Republic Bank Which Drops About 50% Yesterday, Dropped About 20% Today." - Bloomberg (April 26th 2023) | First Republic was the 14th-largest commercial bank in the U.S. at the end of 2022, according to the Fed,