mPOX | W.H.O. Declares Mpox a Global Health Emergency, Gold Hits $2,500 Per Ounce & 159 Countries (81.5% of Earth) Set to Adopt BRICS New Payment System + Why Won't Sorchini Offer Free Monkey Pox Exams?
BlackRock | What's the Most Powerful A.I. On Earth? | "88% of the Companies On the S&P 500, the Largest Shareholder Is Either State Street, BlackRock or Vanguard."- Patrick Bet-David + Discover BlackRock's Aladdin A.I.
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Yuval Noah Harari | "Everything That Existed On Earth Until Now, We Were All Organic. We Are In the Process of Creating the First Inorganic Life Form. We Are Now Instigating An Alien Invasion from Palo Alto." - 12/8/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Best Test for a Spiritual Place, Like a Temple. Does It Bring Peace Or Conflict?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." - Matthew 10:34
Bo Polny | Are the Kings of the Earth About to Weep and Wail?!! + Dr. Rashid Buttar & Karen Kingston On China & Russia Using Yuan & Ruble for Trade, Biden Pushes Annual COVID-19 Shots & Gates Finances Quantum-Dot Tattoo Technology to Hold
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mPOX | W.H.O. Declares Mpox a Global Health Emergency, Gold Hits $2,500 Per Ounce & 159 Countries (81.5% of Earth) to Adopt BRICS New Payment System + Why Won't Andrew Sorchini Offer Free Monkey Pox Exams?
Alex Jones | "We Are Going to Help This Country March Forward to Victory." - General Flynn + "Before the Flood, the Earth Was Filled With Perpetual Violence & Wickedness & the Word for Perpetual Violence & Wickedness In Hebrew I
Yuval Noah Harari | "Now There Is Something On Earth That Can Write Texts, That Can Generate Music, Can Even Invent New Religious Mythologies." - 12/6/2024 + "AI Can Event Write a New Bible." - 6/6/2023
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Best Test for a Spiritual Place, Like a Temple. Does It Bring Peace Or Conflict?" - Harari + "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." - Matthew 10:34
Maui Fires | Why Were Satellites Launched And Monitored By the CCP Located Directly Above the Maui Fires At the Time of Ignition? Why Was NORAD 55836 Directly Over the Location? Why Does the CCP Have 60+ Gigawatt Lasers In Earth Orbit Now?
BRICS | Are the BRICS Nations Planning On Introducing a New Gold-Backed Reserve Currency At the October 22-24 2024 BRICS Summit In Kazan, Russia? Are 81.5% of the Earth's Nations Planning On Joining BRICS?
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