Klaus Schwab Versus Elon Musk | Klaus Schwab & Elon Musk IN THEIR OWN WORDS Discuss: Self-Driving Cars, the Future of Money, Brain Chips, Universal Basic Income, a Carbon Tax, mRNA Technology, & More
Great Reset | Explained by Carlson, Beck, Harari, King Charles: "Rewire Global Financial System," "Carbon Footprint Tracker," "Vast Military-Style Campaign," "Implanted Under Your Skin," "Mark of the Beast"
Mel K | Why Do Musk, Harari, Xi, & Schwab All Endorse: Universal Basic Income, mRNA Under the Skin, Carbon Footprint Tracking & Connecting Brains to the Internet? From Transgender to Transhuman?
Carbon Tax | What Is a Carbon Tax? How Will a Carbon Tax Impact Your Life? "My Top Recommendation Would Be to Just Have a Carbon Tax." - Elon Musk + Carbon Taxes & Digital ID Control Grid 101
Elon Musk | "My Top Recommendation Honestly Would Be to Just Have a Carbon Tax. I Talked to the Biden Administration & They Said This (Carbon Tax) Would Be Too Politically Difficult. Paris Accord Is Toothless & It's Still Not Enough.&quo