You Create Your Demons, Simultaneously Believing They’re Not Fair—Pointing Your Finger at What’s “Not Fair” and Not Realizing That You Create EVERYTHING. Thus EVERYTHING is Fair! #Brat. Then One Day You Wake Up.. #YouHaveNoPowerOverMe!
Mike in the Night E486, Election Interference in Canada, The Culling of Mankind, World Headlines, Vaccines and Deaths, Energy , Proxy Wars, Clinton Body Count Growing by the day, Mitch Madden explains Geo Politics
A Short History Lesson in Zionism | Perhaps No Better Topic Splits the Modern-Day Right, Centrists, Independents, and Everybody Else! The Stealthiest Divide & Conquer Tactic There is, Amongst Other Things. These Facts Hurt No One Who is Objective!
"Seatbelt Psychic" Marathon: Christian Pastor is Challenged, Parents Receive Important Communication From Passed-on Son, a Daughter Reconnects with Her Father on the Day She Needs it Most, and More!