Timeline Theories: Frank Jacob on Journey to Truth Podcast EP 259 — Goes Off the Rails Around the 30 Min Mark, Starts to Make Some Good Sense at the 1 Hour Mark. | Note: The Only Timeline That Affects You is Yours, and Those of Others Whom You Allow to!
There IS No Q, No Jesus, No “Plan”—I DIDN’T SAY THERE’S NO WAY TO 5D—But You Better Have YOUR PLAN Together, and if You Can’t or Refuse to Believe in Yourself the Fate Set Upon You Will Deliver a Poor Destiny! | Jean Noland of ‘Inspired’
Ending a 30-Year Cycle of Rough Heavy Karma—Saturn in Pisces [Pre] the Upcoming Jupiter in Aries (Things are Likely to get Harder Just Before Getting Much Better!)
The inevitable: You Can be Discerning, But Do Not Over-Judge Yourself for Your Collecting of "Data"! That Data is What Eventually Aligns You with Your Purpose and Better Versions of Yourself. | Phil Good #Shorts
Entrepreneur on Personality-Balance: You Must be as Humble as You are Badass/You Must be as Badass as You are Humble—BUT YOU BETTER BE BOTH + Successful People Don’t Typically Judge, Leaving All Options to Further Success Open and Available!
A Short History Lesson in Zionism | Perhaps No Better Topic Splits the Modern-Day Right, Centrists, Independents, and Everybody Else! The Stealthiest Divide & Conquer Tactic There is, Amongst Other Things. These Facts Hurt No One Who is Objective!