4 years ago2020 @SQLSatLA Presents: The Future of Containers Is Here! by Marsha Pierce | @PureStorage RoomData.SQL.Saturday.LA
4 years ago2020 @SQLSatLA presents: Data Lakes with Azure Databricks by Dustin Vannoy | @Blackline RoomData.SQL.Saturday.LA
4 years agoFebruary 2021 - PowerApps and Artificial Intelligence by Jeremy Frye (@SQLBInstein)Los Angeles Data Platform
2 years agoNOV 2022 - Modernize your Data wrangling approach for Datalakes by Dan King (@SQLSWAGG)Los Angeles Data Platform
4 years ago2020 @SQLSatLA Presents: The Future of Containers Is Here! by Marsha Pierce | @PureStorage RoomData.SQL.Saturday.LA
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3 years agoJanuary 2020 session - ML, AI, and DL for Data Professionals by Anna Hoffman (@AnalyticAnna)Los Angeles Data Platform
4 years ago2020 @SQLSatLA presents: Data Lakes with Azure Databricks by Dustin Vannoy | @Blackline RoomData.SQL.Saturday.LA
3 years agoDecember 2021 - Intro to Query Store by Deepthi Goguri (@dbanuggets)Los Angeles Data Platform