Prophecy 118 Excerpts - A DIVIDING SWORD! YAH SAYS "I had another prophet (Nehemiah, Neh. 13:23-30)..slap them for being unequally yoked" to strange wives (see betrayal warning in Mark 13:12) mirrored
Yuval Noah Harari | "People Writing Emails. Many People Say, Oh I'm Too Busy, I'll Just Tell ChatGPT to Write a Polite Letter That Says No. On the Other Side You Have Another Human That Says to ChapGPT Tell Me, What Did They Say?"
Bird Flu | Why Is An International Avian Influenza & One Health Emerging Issues Summit Being Hosted September 30th - October 3rd 2024? What Is More Shameless? Another Plandemic Or Funeral Crashing? Is Bird Flu Disease X?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Another Pandemic On Its Way from China? Why Is Musk Obsessed w/ X, 42, Baphomet, Transhumanism, mRNA, Universal Basic Income, Singularity, & Self-Driving Cars? + 242 Tickets Remain for Tulare, CA ReAwaken (Dec 15-16)
Prophecies Fulfilled? | "Two Events. A Train, But Then Revival Is Coming Like a Train." - Robin Bullock (5/26/2020) | "There Is a Man By the Name of Mr. Clark & There Is Also Another Man By the Name of Donald. " - Kim Clement (4/20
Amanda Grace | A POWERFUL December 16th 2022 Prophecy for America + Why Did Gates, Hopkins and the WHO Just Simulate Another Pandemic? + "What Is CBDC Going to Look Like? It Will Be Implanted UNDER YOUR SKIN." - Professor Richard Werner