3 years agoFake news in Germany about covid and dead bodiesOnly a Knowledgeable and Open Mind Can Set You Free
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6 months agoIn Israel Uriel ben Mordechai was Murdered by the evils for going up against mask mandatesOurFreeSociety2021
2 years ago3E | E X P E R I M E N T - Scientiffic Proof of Sound Effect on Objects |@S A N C T U A R Y A N SSanctuaryans
2 years ago4E | E X P E R I M E N T | Awesome Neon [UV] Sand Resonance on Matter | @S A N C T U A R Y A N SSanctuaryans
2 years ago1E | E X P E R I M E N T | CYMATICS - Scientific Evidence of Sound Frequencies Effect on MatterSanctuaryans
2 years ago2E | 8 Incredible Sound Wave Effects on Objects, Water, Fire, Sand, Metal |@S A N C T U A R Y A N SSanctuaryans