Yuval Noah Harari | "Many of Things I Talk About And People In the West React With Apprehension and FEAR, In CHINA the Reaction to Exactly the Same Topic Is EXCITEMENT! WOW We Can Do That!!!" - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor)
COVID Shots | "The Internet of Things Is Moving Inside the Human Body" + "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You If You Take Genetic Editing." - Klaus Schwab + "People Will Literally Be Part of a Network." Yuval Harari
COVID-19 Shots | "(The Vaccine) Is Not About YOU It's About People You Interact With And That's the Social Contract of Public Health." - Neil deGrasse Tyson + "IDEALLY, COVID Makes SURVEILLANCE GO UNDER THE SKIN." - Harari
Zelensky | Who Is Volodymyr Zelenskyy? Why Did Zelensky Dance In Drag? Why Did Zelensky Hug Emmanuel Macron Like This? Why Did Zelensky Visit Marina Abramović 's "Crystal Wall of Crying?" Why Is Emmanuel Macron Hanging with Yuval Harari?
Angela Stanton King | “This Is No Longer About Black And White, Rich Or Poor, Christian Or Jew, Republican Or Democrat, This Is About Good And Evil. This Is About Americans Standing Up And Fighting Back.” - Angela Stanton King
COVID Vaccines | "A Body Melded Generation" + "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You If You Take Genetic Editing." - Klaus Schwab + "This Was the Moment When Surveillance Started Going Under the Skin." - Yuval Harari
Jews Returning Home to Israel | What Does the Bible Have to Say About Significant Increase In Jews to Israel? (Jeremiah 16: 15-16, Jeremiah 30:3, Isaiah 11:11, Hosea 3:4-5, Amos 9:15 & Ezekiel 11:17)
Yuval Noah Harari "You Have No Answer In The Bible What To Do When Humans Are No Longer Useful In the Economy." The Proper Way To Handle The Jew Jesuit Haters (Mouth Breathers) - A King Street News Exclusive
Yuval Noah Harari | "This Is the End of HUMAN HISTORY. Not the End of History, Just the End of HUMAN HISTORY." - Yuval Noah Harari (April 3rd 2023 Appearing On the Levi & Freedland Unholy Podcast)
Great Reset | "They Key Issue Is the Emerging Ability to HACK Human Beings. Then You Can Completely Manipulate Them." - Yuval Noah Harari + "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari
Dr. Simone Gold | The Daughter of a Holocaust Survivor Shares Her Perspective On the Israel / Hamas Conflict | + Israel Is Surrounded + "What Happens to the Jews Will Happen to Everybody." - Gold + Tucker Carlson & Colonel Douglas Macgregor
CBDC | "We Could Imagine We Will Implant Them In Our Brains Or In Our Skin. There Will Be a Direct Communication Between Our Brain And the Digital World." - Klaus Schwab | "Ideally COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval N
Great Reset | CBDC | "Internet of Bodies Will Mean That Software Will Start Causing Physical HARM to Human Bodies with Some Regularity." - Dr. Andrea Matwyshyn + "COVID Legitimizes Deployment of Surveillance Under Your SKIN." - Harari