Mike Lindell | Mike Lindell & Clay Clark Share Their 3-Year Journey Together On a Quest to Save America from The Great Reset Including: Being De-Banked, Being Canceled By Media, Having Countless Venues & Vendors Cancel Them, Law-Fare & More
BRICS | General Flynn & Andy Schectman | BRICS | The Collapse of the Dollar...Little By Little Since 1971...Then All At Once...Is De-Dollarization Happening NOW?! Are CBDCs Around the Corner? What Are Bail-Ins? TimeToFreeAmerica.com/BricsMap
The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 02.15.24 | Pastor Leon Benjamin Shares the Purpose of Prayer, God's Law & the Authority God Has Given You + Bail-Ins, BRICS, De-Dollarization, CBDCs & the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Peter Navarro | De-Dollarization Accelerates As BRICS Pay Has Been Launched!!! + Peter Navarro Is the Collapse of the Dollar Around the Corner? "The BRICS Group Is Set to Launch a New Currency Backed By Gold." - RT News