8 months ago4-12-2024 ShamRocks "Discounted Lyfe Plays Ball" w/ live chat (starts at 19:00)4WickCandle
8 months ago4-21-2024 ShamRocks "On Sundays We Shame The Shameful A Look Back" w/ live chat (starts at 25:00)4WickCandle
8 months ago4-7-2024 ShamRocks "Is There Enough Foodie Beauty To Feed Everyone with Yaba!"4WickCandle
8 months ago4-23-2024 (Missing 7 min) ShamRocks "T.R.O. Round 2 Hussy v Clara & Ronald 2024" w/ live chat4WickCandle
9 months ago2-22-2024 ShamRocks "Get To Know BegLindas Friends Kiwi Farmer SDouche" w/ live chat (starts at 18:00)4WickCandle
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9 months ago2-27-2024 ShamRocks "The Fayette County Sheriff Service Smoking Gun Sham vs Owl" w/ live chat (starts at 22:00)4WickCandle
9 months ago1-26-2024 ShamRocks "STRUCK for Using BegLindas Members Only CONtent!" no chat4WickCandle
9 months ago1-27-2024 ShamRocks "Gaining Ground Presenting Fraudulent Receiptage On My Good Name" no chat4WickCandle
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9 months ago2-2-224 ShamRocks "Hillbilly Belinda The Hillbilly Grift and The Double Dip Episode 1" no chat4WickCandle
9 months ago3-4-2024 ShamRocks "Checking In with The Attic and The Grift Gang!" w/ live chat (starts at 26:00)4WickCandle