2 years agoWheelchair Predator Catches an Attitude when caught soliciting 12 YEAR OLD (Guelph, Ontario Canada)Predator PoachersVerified
8 months agoWWII vet tells Trump he'd 'reenlist today' for him, talks 'attitude that saved the free world' | RNCNEWSMAXVerified
1 month agoTotal W1gg3r Registered Offender Gets "Caught Up" Again and Catches an ATTITUDE (Bedford, Virginia)Predator PoachersVerified
3 years agoPelosi Claims She Doesn't Know Where This "Attitude Of Lawlessness" Is Coming FromThe Wayne Dupree PodcastVerified
1 year agoDAY SIX: “Seeing The Multitudes”- (Matthew 5:1-2)- Simple Ideas For Complicated PeopleCampbellfamily07
14 days agoRussians With Attitude-Watch this footage of one of the craziest operations of this war yet.Rolling With You
9 months agoUnregistered Sex Offender Cops a MAJOR ATTITUDE When Caught ARRESTED (Livermore Falls, Maine)Predator PoachersVerified