1 year agoThe deep state will unleash hell on earth soon. What will this look like? How do we win?michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoThe Biden Admin will be removed for illegally seizing the Presidency. Trump will restore order as CIC.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoEXPLOSIVE HISTORICAL INTERVIEW with the grassy knoll JFK shooter exposing the criminal military, mob, CIA and FBI.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoA massive attack coming on American soil that will dwarf 9/11? Will Americans then rise up against the Deep State and annihilate them?michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoMichelle Fielding, Derek Johnson, Lewis Herms and Michael Jaco roundtablemichaelj5326Verified
1 year agoHot off the plane from Moscow Scott Bennett updates us on current political intrigue and war.michaelj5326Verified
10 months agoMajor coming Earthquakes and weather predictions with 5th generation warfare.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoDerek Johnson on Gitmo tribunals, Trump comms, military working day and night.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoIrrefutable evidence Trump won coming, Epstein black list, military option kick off near.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoScott Bennett former Army psychological Operation Officer discuss where world events are headed.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoWill Maui DEW come to Florida as the Army and FEMA install free blue roofs?michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoDeep State Annihilation DEFCON from Alpha Warrior, Juan O Savin, Scott McKay, Michael Jacomichaelj5326Verified
1 year agoWill we get an early Christmas present with an obvious deep state strike?michaelj5326Verified
11 months agoSoon to be impeached Myorkas using homeland security to destroy evidence of trafficking?michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoOle Dammegard accurately predicted the DEW attack on Chile over a month ago and reveals how you can see false flag attacks before they happen.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoThe stage is being set for Trumps return. The Deep State is being squeezed with reveals.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoNew York Quarantine/Concentration camps coming, then spreading to other states. 2nd amendment steal.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoWhy have the "White Hats" not done anything for years now? Is the real Trump gone?michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoWe will see narratives and the narrators start to crumble in the truther community.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoAmericans will be thrust into a war we don't want. No elections and the Draft coming.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoIs a Great Awakening coming April 8th with the solar eclipse? Trump comms when he said 82% are awake to corruption?michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoWe are in a military run world where psychological operations and disinformation is rampant.michaelj5326Verified