Dollar Collapse | "The BRICS Nations Are Supposedly Set to Announce to the World Their New Currency Which Jim Rickards Anticipates to Be Backed By Gold. Rickards Expects Them to Make That Announcement Aug 22nd At the BRICS Meeting." - Schectman
Ice Fishing | Is Ice Fishing Or Buying Gold More Scary for Most People? "My Latest Forecast Is That Gold May Exceed $27,000 Per Ounce. If You Just Do the Math.” - Jim Rickards (5/27/24) + Will the Dollar Survive?
Central Bank Digital Currencies | When Will BRICS Introduce Their New Gold-Backed Central Bank Digital Currency? "Jim Rickards Came Out And Said That BRICS Is Going to Issue Their Gold-Backed Currency At the 2023 August Summit." - Schectman
Dollar Collapse | "THIS WILL BE THE BIGGEST SHOCK IN THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM SINCE 1971!...August 22nd 2023" - Jim Rickards + "BRICS to Introduce a New GOLD-Backed Currency In Contrast to the Credit-Backed U.S. Dollar." (7/3/
BRICS | "Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia & the United Arab Emirates Joined BRICS Block January 1st 2024." - RT News | What Does This Mean for America? Commentary from TRUMP, Macgregor, Rickards, Grandich, Kiyosaki, Bannon, Etc.