Elon Musk | "The Next Product Is Blindsight Which Will Enable People Who Have Lost Both Eyes or Have No Eyesight to See." 5/23/2024 - "Enable People to Walk Again. Now We Are Getting to Jesus Level Stuff." - 8/4/2022
Elon Musk | "Optimus can now walk on highly variable ground using neural nets to control its electric limbs." - Elon Musk (December 10th 2024) + What Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution Agenda? What Is the Iain Banks Culture Series?
Donald J. Trump And The Rapture + Does Trump Name Have a Biblical Meaning? 1st Thess 4: 13-18 + 1st Cor 15:52 + "Two Main Passages About the Rapture In the Bible & Both Say Trump. Could This Be Donald Trump?
Kim Clement's Trump Prophecies | Discover Kim Clement's February 10th 2007, April 20th 2013, February 22nd 2014 & June 30th 2019 Donald J. Trump Prophecies + A Biblical Look At Current Events with Donné Clement Petruska
Elon Musk | "Optimus can now walk on highly variable ground using neural nets to control its electric limbs." - Elon Musk (December 10th 2024) + What Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? What Is the Iain Banks Culture Series?
Back to the Future | Was Back to the Future Predicting the Events of 911 In Great Detail? Twin Pines Mall, After Attack, Twin Pines Are Replaced With a Sole Pine, Doc's Two Stop Watches, Both of Which Are 119 <> Mirrored 911
Doctor Judy Mikovits | Proof Biological ID System Already Deployed? | "Oh, Yeah, Yeah. That Crowd Was Filled With Federal Agents." - Steven A. Sund (10th Chief of the United State Capitol Police from 2019-2021) + Ice Cube Explains History of Rap
Elon Musk | "There Will Come a Point Where No Job Is Needed. The AI Will Be Able to Do Everything. It's Both Good & Bad. How Do We Find Meaning In Life If You Have a Magic Genie That Can Do Everything?" + Rev 18:22