Elon Musk | "I Have This Long-Term Vision for Something Called X.com. Sort of Like An Everything App. It Does Payments..." + "The Banks Culture Books Are the Best Envisioning of An AI Future. I'm a Big Fan of Banks." - Elon Musk
Humanoid Robots | Why Did Kim Kardashian Post the following? "meet my new friend" - Kim Kardashian (11/18/24) + Who Is Iain Banks? Why Did Elon Musk Say? "I Would Recommend Iain Banks, the Culture Books." - Musk (10/28/24)
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "You Said That ALL of the Banks Are Insolvent. Surely Not ALL of the Banks Are Insolvent." - Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News Interviews Lynette Zang
Fractional Reserve Banking | "Up Until Covid Banks Had to Keep On Hand 10% of Your Deposit, Then They Could Lend Out the Other 90%. When Covid Hit, They Got Rid of Those Rules. Then Banks Only Had to Keep 0% of My Deposit."
CBDC | "In 2007, 25 Banks Had to Be Bailed Out, a Total of $526 Billion Over 12 Months. In Last 5 Weeks We Have Had 3 U.S. Banks Fail & We Are Already Over the 2007 Total By $6 Billion." - Glen Beck (5.3.23) + BRICS & CBDCs + EO 14067