1. Mary Grace: “You just don’t take me serious. He’s a puppet, that Joe Biden is a puppet!”

    Mary Grace: “You just don’t take me serious. He’s a puppet, that Joe Biden is a puppet!”

  2. Chief promises a Question and Answer session with the Press Corps

    Chief promises a Question and Answer session with the Press Corps

  3. Chief: My new look as I fast track the Democrat and Republican slavery party

    Chief: My new look as I fast track the Democrat and Republican slavery party

  4. Chief donning new look, green dishwashing glove over the old, disposable, one size fits all vinyl

    Chief donning new look, green dishwashing glove over the old, disposable, one size fits all vinyl

  5. Mary Grace speaks conspiracy theories, the FBI to come in, blow the levies and flood them out

    Mary Grace speaks conspiracy theories, the FBI to come in, blow the levies and flood them out

  6. Mary Grace about to unload another bomb shell, a “big mystery….”

    Mary Grace about to unload another bomb shell, a “big mystery….”

  7. Mary Grace Continues with her 16th Letter of the Alphabet, P Conspiracies

    Mary Grace Continues with her 16th Letter of the Alphabet, P Conspiracies

  8. Running for President, New Political Party and AOC as VP

    Running for President, New Political Party and AOC as VP

  9. Chief: “I demand right now that Elon Musk turn over Twitter to this bureau.”

    Chief: “I demand right now that Elon Musk turn over Twitter to this bureau.”

  10. 5 press conferences on P-SPAN, hardly any views, and then over on Twitter, Tucker gets millions

    5 press conferences on P-SPAN, hardly any views, and then over on Twitter, Tucker gets millions

  11. Chief Now Running for President, with AOC as VP, Seeks Transition, Image Upgrade

    Chief Now Running for President, with AOC as VP, Seeks Transition, Image Upgrade

  12. Bureau Chief: Bully pulpit should be used against dangerous misinfo of dandelions as a food source

    Bureau Chief: Bully pulpit should be used against dangerous misinfo of dandelions as a food source

  13. Call upon Mr Musk to yield; also, intern Stanley from Utah and BYU has a bright future at the bureau

    Call upon Mr Musk to yield; also, intern Stanley from Utah and BYU has a bright future at the bureau

  14. “Rein it in now! We are done talking about this young man’s eyelashes….”

    “Rein it in now! We are done talking about this young man’s eyelashes….”

  15. “If you go get on the Fauciabook and upload pics of green dandelion smoothies, they delete them off”

    “If you go get on the Fauciabook and upload pics of green dandelion smoothies, they delete them off”

  16. The chief assures listeners on P-SPAN, that he will be the next US President

    The chief assures listeners on P-SPAN, that he will be the next US President

  17. The Chief Talks of the NPC’s, the Bread and Butter of Support for the Bureau.

    The Chief Talks of the NPC’s, the Bread and Butter of Support for the Bureau.

  18. Chief speaks of Runaway Criminality over on Twitter; wants a backhand massage from intern Stanley

    Chief speaks of Runaway Criminality over on Twitter; wants a backhand massage from intern Stanley

  19. The Chief with his intern, Stanley, record at the bureau on the weekend, raging against Elon Musk

    The Chief with his intern, Stanley, record at the bureau on the weekend, raging against Elon Musk

  20. NPC’s everywhere. They worship the state, they are the bread and butter salvation to this bureau

    NPC’s everywhere. They worship the state, they are the bread and butter salvation to this bureau

  21. Bureau Czar Gets Trans - itioned, Ball Point Pen to Marker Face Upgrade

    Bureau Czar Gets Trans - itioned, Ball Point Pen to Marker Face Upgrade

  22. “Now Mary Grace, magpies? Their just an innocent bird, scavenger bird!”

    “Now Mary Grace, magpies? Their just an innocent bird, scavenger bird!”

  23. Your sister needs to rein in that kid of hers, lives with you, doesn’t have a job, antagonizes you

    Your sister needs to rein in that kid of hers, lives with you, doesn’t have a job, antagonizes you
