5 months agoChallenge Response To The Anti Dog Trainer On Youtube. Got Anything Better?Real Dog Behaviour
5 months agoScience Has No Place In Dog Training. Why Is Behavioral Psychology Not Allowed?Real Dog Behaviour
2 years agoPeculiar Courtship Behaviour Of Painted Wolves #shortsRob The Ranger Wildlife VideosVerified
2 months agoLinn Boyke - School Of Dog Psychology. Just What Psychology Are You Pushing?Real Dog Behaviour
5 months agoDale McCluskey. Pushes His Own Definitions Of Science. But Chokes Out Every Dog.Real Dog Behaviour
5 months agoIvan Balabanov. What You Know As Dog Training Is A Scam. Zak George Is Part Of That Scam.Real Dog Behaviour
6 months agoI Am Available To Do Consults With Dog Owners. It's $100.00 Per Session - No Time Limit.Real Dog Behaviour
6 months agoRobert Cabral Just Detstroyed The Entire System Of Dog Training. Can't Define The Word Behavior.Real Dog Behaviour
5 months agoLittle Bear First Visit To A Dog Park And She Blew My Mind. Complete Change.Real Dog Behaviour
6 months agoB.F Skinner - The Man That Dog Trainers Blame For Reward And Punishment.Real Dog Behaviour
6 months agoWhy Does Everything Become A Battle Wtih Your Dog? Nail Clipping, Medication Etc.Real Dog Behaviour
5 months agoPair Of Belgian Malinois In A Dog Park. Something That Trainers Declare Shouldn't Happen.Real Dog Behaviour
6 years agoDistressing moment helpless dog tries to catch up with cruel owner who had abandoned himSWNS