2 years agoWhat is the "FREELAND PASSPORT": A new type of socioeconomic personal identifications Global?The Badwolf
1 year agoDS60 Affidavit of Name Change & Update with the DS82 or DS5504 if 1yr or less book & card!The Badwolf
2 years agoMy UCC 1 Lien Got Rejected: A few basic reasons on how to correct you failed filing!The Badwolf
1 year agoENS LEGIS: . Lat. A creature of the law; an artificial being, as contrasted with a natural person.The Badwolf
2 years agoPRIVATE SECTOR: Freedom from the LEGAL side via the NAME CHANGE into the PrivateThe Badwolf
2 years agoWeiss's & Concise Trustee Handbook: A guide to the administration of an express TRUST in common lawThe Badwolf
1 year agoInterview with a Former Illuminati: Leo Lyon Zagami - Great Reset - Digital Currency - Occult !!!The Badwolf
1 year agoBlack Ink: Represents the BLOOD of the DEAD ENTITY - Maritime Jurisdiction Sign in blackThe Badwolf