Can You Defend your Faith? - Christianity. Pro-Life. Conservative Beliefs. - Dr. Jeff Myers; Here are 3 [NATURAL] Tips to Stay Healthy - Dr. Troy Spurrill | FOC Show
The Transgender Battle is Entering Some Startling New Phases - Brandon Showalter; The Controversy of "Equity and Diversity": Does it Help or Harm Society? - Greg Foreman, Black Conservative Perspective; Economic Update | FOC Show
Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking mRNA to Turbo Cancer/Conservative Professor Scores Multimillion-Dollar Win After Yearslong Battle with California College/Electric Vehicle Bursts Into Flames Inside Underground Parking Lot/To
FOC Show: Whistleblower FBI Agent Exposes the Truth about the J6 Investigation - Steve Friend; They are cooking the books and lying about this... - Economic Update