Chinese Invasion | "Chinese Nationals Buying Farmland & It's Around U.S. Military Installations. It's Really Concerning & When You Look At What's Happening At Those Military Installations That They Have Land Around, It's V
Central Bank Digital Currencies | Are CBDCs Coming Soon? When Will the Chinese Style Social Credit Score System Be Implemented In the United States? Is the U.S. Sprinting to Implementation of Programmable Money?
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General Flynn | Is This A War On Religion & Our Children? Why Is the Chinese CCP & Yuval Noah Harari Wanting to Rewrite the Bible? + 8 Updates You Need to Know + Gold Is Officially Outperforming Stocks In 2023 As October Rally Continues
Central Bank Digital Currencies | Are CBDCs Coming Soon? When Will the Chinese Style Social Credit Score System Be Implemented In the United States? Is America Sprinting Toward Programmable Money?