3 years agoChamplain Towers Collapse Punch Shear is Really TWO other reactions Shear Evaluated Let me explainValueEngineering
2 years agoChamplain Towers Collapse Piles were NOT DRIVEN as per plansConstruction Engineering & Failure Analysis
2 years agoChamplain Towers South Allyn Kilsheimer does the proper load testing of columns, what I called forConstruction Engineering & Failure Analysis
2 years agoChamplain Towers Collapse YouTube Google Shadow Banning by deleting viewsConstruction Engineering & Failure Analysis
2 years agoYouTube shadow bans Champlain Towers content by search term of "metal heels"Construction Engineering & Failure Analysis
2 years agoChamplain Towers I talk about and eventually to the installer of the sprinkler alarm systemConstruction Engineering & Failure Analysis
2 years agoChamplain Towers Collapse Modeled Roof Collapse Part 4Construction Engineering & Failure Analysis
2 years agoChamplain Towers Collapse Column offset and removal of BMA changed dynamics of garage and pool deckConstruction Engineering & Failure Analysis
1 year agoChamplain Towers if overlapping rebar worked, you could put it anyway, offset columns and torqueConstruction Engineering & Failure Analysis
2 years agoChamplain Towers Collapse Deep Dive Witness statement of exact timeConstruction Engineering & Failure Analysis
2 years agoChamplain Towers Roof Collapse hint Columbo style Part 2 #champlaintowers #collapsecauseValueEngineering
1 year agoChamplain Towers offset columns predicted this failure #champlaintowerscause #champlaintowersConstruction Engineering & Failure Analysis
3 years agoPunch Shear is Really TWO other reactions Champlain Towers Collapse parking column 72&73 Shear Evaluated Let me explainValueEngineering
2 years agoChamplain Towers What Cassondra Billedeau Stratton herd = Rental law to protect renters like herValueEngineering
3 years agoChamplain Towers Collapse Building Code column position off by 50 DEGREES BMA was NOT an OPTIONValueEngineering
3 years agoChamplain Towers Critical Shear areas were 3 sided and NOT balanced #champlainTowerConstruction Engineering & Failure Analysis
3 years agoChamplain Towers Collapse MODELED failure of deck at KLM locationsConstruction Engineering & Failure Analysis