The Antichrist Son of Perdition Donald Trump Promises A Golden Age As He Secures Victory For His 2nd Term -- Get Ready, The 7 Year Tribulation Will Begin At Some Point In The Next 4 Years
Part II -- THE SEQUEL: Sabbath Bible Study: Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of The Covenant, 7 Year Tribulation, 7th Trumpet Rapture, 144,000 & The Two Witnesses, Donald Trump, Promise of Philadelphia -- NEW PHYSICAL ADDRESS FOR MY MINISTRY AS WELL
7 Mini-Earthquakes Along New Madrid Fault Line, Bomb Cyclone Hitting East Coast, Vatican To Open 5 Portals for the Year of the Snake, Trump's Snake Poem, Miller Predicts Trump To Bring Peace and Harmony, 1st Thess 5:3
Sabbath Bible Study: Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of The Covenant, 7 Year Tribulation, 7th Trumpet Rapture, 144,000 & The Two Witnesses, Donald Trump, Promise of Philadelphia