Dr. Z Song | Dr. Zoellner Theme Song | A Christmas Lyrical Miracle & Special Song Dedication to Dr. Robert Zoellner (He Did Not Request This Song, But I Sent It To Him Anyway) | Clay Clark Featuring Brett Raio
While reading the teleprompter Biden accuses Trump of saying he will cut Social Security & Medicare, then he realizes that Trump didn't say that, yet promises to stop Trump cuts anyway.
Biden meets Meloni: "Everyone in?.. when she walked in the door, I played Ray Charles Georgia, now most of you don't know Ray Charles Georgia, but anyway..." everyone out!
Biden: We're working to spend $40 billion of your taxpayer money in our whatever initiative. "We call it the P G, P I, anyway, doesn't matter what we call it, but that's what it is..."
Biden goes to Michigan to sniff the kids, whisper, tell people in a cafeteria that he's okay, that "everybody does better," and "it's not a joke!.. anyway..."