Jessie and Training Partner Had to Pick an Item, She Chose a Spiritual Sword + Schoolteachers Marked Jessie Present But She Was Training, Church in Rockford, Illinois + Michael Karcok, Protection Magick, Beatings and Healings
Trump Speech, Biden Investigation, Hunter's Laptop + Trump Used the Terms 'Human Trafficking' and 'Satanic Ritual', He's the Only President Ever to Do That, Priming the Public for Big Reveals?
Access Points and Locations, George Washington and (Princess) Diana Spencer, Above Ground Indicators, Paintings + The Tunnel Extends Below the Ocean, William the Conquer 1066, Codes for Opening Spiritual Gates
Update on Jessie's Health, Support for Veterans, Champions + Jessie's Courses (New One Available Now, see and Books, Websites + Dutch Whistleblower Huig Plug
Somerset Belenoff, The Countess of Banbury, Head of the World Governing Council (a.k.a. the Satanic Council), CEO of the World Security Office + Upper Chambers
Rihanna Umbrella Music Video Decode, Jay-Z, High Priest and Mason + Umbrella, Masonic Term, Clandestine Group, They Have Immunity, Clean-Up Crew After Operations + One-Eye Symbolism + Dark Magick, Bondage and Leather
Elon Musk at the Met Gala, No Keeping of Posture (Deliberately), Maye Musk + Is Hillary Clinton Dead? + 44 (Does that Number Refer to Obama and/or the New World Order?), When Does a Bird Sing?
King James Version is the Luciferian Brotherhood's Bible, Masons, Misleading Translations, Agape vs Charity, Compare with the New American Standards Bible
A Demonic Spirit Named Jesus, Some Insist On Calling Jesus Christ Yeshua + The Angel Gabriel Told Mary that His Name is Jesus + There are Many Stories Involving Jesus Christ and the Use of His Name