[MUST WATCH] Tartaria: The Pod People, The World's Fairs and a Rich Hidden Past, The Most Previous Great Reset That Took Place.. and Did We Shift to a Lower Timeline Nearly 2 Centuries Back?? | Journey to Truth Webinar
Every Now And Then Alex Jones Refrains From Appeasing What Seems To Be His Core Audience [With His God-Fearing Act] and Talks The AMORPHIC Truth/Reality!
Good Morning!... So, What ELSE is New? No, Not About Rigging, ABOUT PEOPLE NOT MAKING A BIG STINK! You're Telling Me American Humans Had So Little to Say? Saving it All up for the Last Minute as Usual? #YouAreTheResultOfYourVibration | Veteran Biker
MSNBC Reporter Gets Mind BLOWN by Trump Supporters Telling Their Truth—They Don't Care, They're Not Required to Care, and They Will Put Themselves First (Aside From the Fact That What’s Actually Happening is Compassion-Weaponization!)
CNN Host CAN'T Digest the TRUTH From Ex-U.S. Army Sniper! (She Probably Can, But as an Employee of The Illuminati She is a Soul [Paid/Sold] to Stick to the Narrative She's Hired to Protect!)