Central Bank Digital Currencies | BRICS Invites Six Countries Including Saudi Arabia, Iran to Be New Members | "(Of the 195 Countries In the World) Study Shows 130 Countries Exploring Central Bank Digital Currencies." - Reuters (6/28/2023)
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "At Least 22 Countries Including Saudi Arabia & Iran Have Formally Asked to Join the BRICS Block." - eNCA (South Africa's Top Ranked TV News Channel - August 15th 2023)
Hamas | "In Chapter 6 of Genesis We Find, During Noah's Days, The Earth Also Was Corrupt Before God & the Earth Was Filled With Violence (Hamas)...The Very First Instance of the Word Hamas Was Directly Related to Noah." - Pastor Steve C
China | "China's Gold Holdings Are 10X What They Say They Are. At the Moment America Says It Has 8,000 Tons of Gold & China Says It Has 2,000 Tons. In 2007 China Overtook South Africa to Become the World's Largest Gold Producer.
Petrodollar | BREAKING!!! November 30th 2023 | Petrodollar Slow Death Continues As The (UAE) United Arab Emirates Ditches Dollar In Its Oil Transactions + Saudi Arabia Has Made a Deal to Trade Oil With Chinese Yuan With China
Revelation 16: 12-14 | Did the Bible Prophesy That China & Russia Would Team Up & the False Prophet Would Show Up When the Euphrates River Dried Up? Understanding: Yuval Noah Harari, China & Russia, the Euphrates, AI & the Gilgamesh Projec
Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari | PROBLEM = "The Woke Mind Virus Is Communism Rebranded." - Elon Musk + SOLUTION = "To Prepare For This Kind of World Which Is Coming Sooner Than Most People Realize, We Need An Antivirus For The Brain.&quo
Geneva | Does the Bible Say Satan Dwells In Geneva, Switzerland? (READ: Revelation 9:11 & Rev 2:13) | Why Are CERN, the World Health Organization, the United Nations & the Google Quantum Computer All Located In Geneva?
SATAN | Could Something Satanic Be Happening Where Satan Dwells? | READ: Revelation 2:13 & Revelation 9:11 | Why Are CERN, the Google Quantum Computer, the WEF, the World Health Organization, the United Nations & GAVI All Based In Geneva?