1. 20140409 Week 3:Preparation: To develop the Bereans “Scripture Reflex”, Objective thinking, media,false flags,Hegelian Dialectic,NWO plans

    20140409 Week 3:Preparation: To develop the Bereans “Scripture Reflex”, Objective thinking, media,false flags,Hegelian Dialectic,NWO plans

  2. 20170528 Fallen angel tech,nuclear war deception,minister to the Lord first,Jewish tone of NT books

    20170528 Fallen angel tech,nuclear war deception,minister to the Lord first,Jewish tone of NT books

  3. 20140326 week 1 of 4 week Overview of 1 year course To Protect, Discern the Times, prepare for the coming of 2nd Coming:Week 1: Understanding our Jewish Roots:– Grafted In, Anthems, Pledges

    20140326 week 1 of 4 week Overview of 1 year course To Protect, Discern the Times, prepare for the coming of 2nd Coming:Week 1: Understanding our Jewish Roots:– Grafted In, Anthems, Pledges

  4. Power Talk with Shane and Becky -5/9/23- SAME SPIRIT THAT RAISED JESUS FROM THE DEAD DWELLS IN US!

    Power Talk with Shane and Becky -5/9/23- SAME SPIRIT THAT RAISED JESUS FROM THE DEAD DWELLS IN US!

  5. Elderly Woman With Dementia Amazingly Remembers Jesus In Viral Video: He ‘Will Take Me Home’

    Elderly Woman With Dementia Amazingly Remembers Jesus In Viral Video: He ‘Will Take Me Home’

  6. Power Talk with Shane and Becky-12/20/22- 2023/YEAR OF GOD'S COMPLETION/FEAR NOT #holyspirit #jesus

    Power Talk with Shane and Becky-12/20/22- 2023/YEAR OF GOD'S COMPLETION/FEAR NOT #holyspirit #jesus

  7. Power Talk with Shane and Becky -12/13/22- THE NAME OF JESUS/ROOTED AND GROUNDED IN HIM #holyspirit

    Power Talk with Shane and Becky -12/13/22- THE NAME OF JESUS/ROOTED AND GROUNDED IN HIM #holyspirit

  8. God does not have the luxury of thinking in percentages about the lost

    God does not have the luxury of thinking in percentages about the lost
