GOLD | "Golden Year for Gold." - Gerald Celente | "The Biggest Banks Are Raising Their Gold Price Outlook By 40%. Citigroup Is Now Calling for a $3,000 Gold Price In 6-18 Months. Goldman Revising Its Year End Forecast to $2,700."
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Don't Need Millions of Human Agents. You Have the Smartphones, Cameras & the Microphones Following Us All the Time. It's Now Possible to Annihilate Privacy & to Create Total Surveillance Regimes."
CBDC | "Understand It Took Almost 200 Years (1974) to Accumulate Our First $450 Billion of Debt, We've Done It In 18 Days. We're Adding $8 Million of Debt Per Minute." + Who Lael Brainard? What Is Fed Now? What Is Non-Binary Money?
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Now Hackable Animals. To Hack a Human Being You Need Alot of Data, Especially Biometric Data. Secondly, You Need Alot of Computing Power to Make Sense of All That Data. COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin."
Antichrist Prophet | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Israel Protests (3/4/23)? "We're One of the Last Generations of Homo Sapiens...Humans Are Now Hackable Animals...Jesus Is Fake News...Science Is Not About Truth."
X | Why Did Elon Musk Change the Name of Twitter to "X"? (Part 2 of 4) Why Does Now Point to Why Did Elon Musk Tweet Out? "Not Sure What Subtle Clues Gave It Way, But I Like the Letter X."