3 years agoReAwaken America Tour | Josh Yoder | COVID-19 Vaccine Airline Injunction UpdateThrivetime Show: The ReAwakening versus The Great ResetVerified
2 years agoHorrifying: How Will Brainwashed Pro-Jab Mothers Respond When 38% of Their Babies Are Injured by the Moderna Jab?RVM NewsVerified
1 year agoNew Zealand PM Says the Government Didn’t Force Anyone to Take the VaccineBiological Medicine
2 years agoW.H.O.'s Vaccine Script UNCOVERED & Full Of LIES, Medical Pro Says Jab Caused Heart FailureComplete ShowsVerified
8 months agoScumbag who shamed you for refusing to be friends with the vaccinated gets hospitalized from the jabIwillAlwaysBeAgainstTheMandates
1 year agoRFK Jr. Demonstrates Why the COVID Jab Is the Most Deadly Vaccine in HistoryBetterThanALiberal
2 years agoHHS Secretary Says The Vaccine Kills Black and Brown People Twice as Much as WhitesThe New AmericanVerified
3 years agoHealth Department Holds Santa Event & Pays Kids $100.00 To Take a JabTheSaltyCrackerVerified
2 years agoJAB Pushers LIE About mRNA Tech: TRUTH: mRNA Is NANO Technological NIGHTMAREStew Peters NetworkVerified
1 year ago“It’s NOT A Vaccine”: Karen Kingston EXPOSES Horrifying Electromagnetic Nano-Tech In The Death JabBiological Medicine
2 years ago⁉️⚠️ Dr. Peter McCullough ~ The Covid Vaccine is Altering Peoples Genes and DNA. Time to Wake Up!Real Truth Real NewsVerified
3 months agoTHEY ADMIT IT: VACCINE CAUSES MASS DEATH! - Fools Continue To Line Up For Jab! - Bird Flu HoaxNot MSM
2 years agoParents PAID To Allow VAXX Experiments On BABIES, Hero Mom Exposes Big Pharma's JAB Trials!Complete ShowsVerified
2 years agoSmoking Gun: The Rate of Change of Millennial Deaths Points Directly to the Jab - Edward DowdWeThePeopleUSA
1 year agoInfant has COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Because Mother was Forced to Take Shot Before DeliveryBiological Medicine
3 years agoLuc Montagnier - Nobel Prize Winning Virologist - Current Vaccine Strategy - A Huge Mistake!Biological Medicine
2 years agoJUST A YOUNG KID: Young Girl In Agonizing Pain After Receiving The Covid-19 VaccineCovidBC