Alice Bailey | Who Is Alice Bailey? What Was Alice Bailey's 1957 Prediction for America In the Year 2025? Why Did Alice Bailey Start the Lucifer Publishing Company?
CBDCs | The Internet of Bodies | "Up Until Now the Conversation We've Been Having Is Around Freedom of Speech, However Once We Can Access People's Thoughts and People's Emotions..."
The Great Reset / COVID-19 Agenda Explained | Exposing The REAL Dr. Anthony Fauci | Get Tested to Make Sure You Have It. Get Tested with PCR Technology. Take a Toxic Drug to Cure You.
ReAwaken America Tour Nashville (Jan. 20th & 21st) | 42 Tickets Remain for the ReAwaken America Tour Nashville, TN & the Church Home of Pastor Greg Locke!!! Request Tickets at or Request Tickets by Texting 918-851-0102
Dr. Simone Gold | "Doctors Have Become Overwhelmingly Employees. We Were Told What to Do. If Your Employer Told You to Do It (Follow the COVID-19 Protocols), You Do it. Doctors Were Not Thinking for Themselves. This Is Very Concerning."
Yuval Noah Harari | Meat Consumption | "Most People Believe That Humans Have Some Kind of Superior Consciousness Which Justifies the Way We Treat Billions of Other Animals. This Unproven Theory May Have Caused More Suffering Than Any Other"
"Football Is Gay." - The NFL (National Football League) | "We'll Convert Your Children. It Happens Bit By Bit. Quietly and Subtly and You Will Barely Notice It." - San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus
The Great Reset | The Entire Great Reset Agenda Revealed with Ministries | Connecting the Dots Between the mRNA-Modifying Nano-Technology Shots, COVID-19 Vaccine Passports, 5G Technology and CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies)