Quickie Version on the Bible Being a Work of Plagiarism: The Bible is a “Remix”—Here are the Details! (Explained by Billy Carson) [Esoteric Minds Only]
5D Alex Jones Speaks! Topics Include: There is NO DEATH, God’s Only Purpose is Expansion, Our Ancestors, How the Illuminati Talk to ETs and Inter-Dimensionals, Robotic Races/DNA (They Have More Worship-Gene, as Confirmed by Billy Carson), and More!
Alex Jones Vs. Inbred Brit, Pierce Morgan (1/12/23). Alex Proves 100% That Our Water is Turning Frogs Gay + Once and for All: This is What Happened at Sandy Hook —End of Story— We Can All Let it Go Now! (Must See Til the End to Find Out)
V1DCCMEOH 224 UPDATE 8 LIVETHE BURG BROWN SAWSE BOTTLE DUBAI UPDATE 5 ISSRAEL P0WERER SKKKRUBBERER SKKKUM AGAIN 231717102024 UPDATE 1 (2004 20)131117102024 update 2 morokko dog massakkkre guess that a dog slaughter =? an x factor n0 nope
THE HOPELESS SERIES—Despair is Beautiful Because the Opposite End of it’s Spectrum Exists, and is Only THAT MUCH MORE Accessible After Despair Because it is Then More Identifiable. “If I Ever Lose My Faith in You” by Sting.