Bank Crash | Silicon Valley Bank Collapses & Regulators Seize Signature Bank In 3rd Largest U.S. Bank Failure | Customers Line Up Outside First Republic Bank to Take Money Out | "I Expect Bank Runs Monday Morning." - Bill Ackman (Billionaire
Fauci | Why Is Fauci Pushing the COVID Vaccines Again? "Transhumanism, As You Know This Is One of the Agendas of the World Economic Forum. And The Talk About the mRNA Vaccines As An Entry Point." - Doctor Robert Malone
President Donald J. Trump At the World Economic Forum | (2018) President Donald J. Trump Confronts the Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum's Globalist Agenda "As President of the United States I Will Always Put America First!!!"
De-Dollarization | "Now the Dollar Could Lose Its Reserve Status Gradually & Then Suddenly. This Could Work Out Pretty Good for BRICS Members Like Russia & China Who Are the Two Largest Gold Producers In The World. Canada Has Zero Gold Reserv
Lab-Grown Babies? | "Scientists Make Fertility Breakthrough, Growing A Baby Lamb In An Artificial Womb. The Team of Physicians Is In talks with the FDA. Clinical Trials Slated to Begin In Next 3 to.5 Years." - World Economic Forum (May 3rd 2017)
What In the World Is Going On?! Joe Rogan, Tom Renz, Donald J. Trump & Yuval Noah Harari + "The Old Systems of the World Are Becoming Dysfunctional, We Need to Look Forward & Try to Establish a New Order for the 21st Century." - Yuval