Healing, Anger Towards Satan, Jessie's Proctor and The System + Songs + Women Are Often Worse Abusers Than Men + Frazzledrip Was Not Just a Murder, Sexual Abuse and Sex Magick Happened First + Prayer
The Light Side of the System, Lucifer Appears as an Angel of Light + Emerald City (The Underground City Located Under the Pentagon) + Healing Using Witchcraft, Knowledge Comes at a Price
Sabrina, Recruiting Tool for Children + The Movie The Craft, Jessie Prayed and with God's Help Was Able to Steer Some Young Girls Away From Witchcraft + Cannibalism, Normalization, Belenoff, Cannibal Restaurant, Consumption and Power
Why Are Children Cleansed Before They're Sacrificed? Mockery of God, Jewish High Priests Declared People Clean + Non-Specific Prayers, The Book of Joshua
Indiana Jones 4 Shows An End-Time Ritual, Tsion (The Underground City, also known as Mars, Located Under Area 51) and Pleiadians + Jessie's Blood is Linked to a Scroll, Prophecy
Somerset Belenoff + The Bilderberg Group includes Members of the Satanic Council + Bilderberg Members List, Rotation and a 4-Year Cycle, Regent Lords and Circles