9 months agoThe false narrative created by Zionists that create war and historical lies. WOW!!!GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
9 months agoJACO: current events. Russians in Cuba, Satanists, Missing officials, military involvement.GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
8 months agoFall of the Democrats house of cards, NATO and Russia clash, Weather, Finances, consciousness 5DGrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
8 months agoUS Army Psych Warfare Officer Scott Bennett: Trump Assassination AttemptTruths UnlimitedVerified
5 months agoThe deep state is at war with Americans they can't control and are actively killing us off.GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
5 months agoOle Dammegard shares deep insights on Elvis Presley's mysterious death that don't add up.GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
4 months agoAlex Collier Andromedan contactee shares insight on election, global outlook and golden age.GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
4 months agoGayla Wall's incredible journey to heal her son after a life threatening accident.GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
4 months agoWorld control manipulations are still in play like the illuminati deck of cards or squid gameGrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
1 day agoviewezy demo: The Cloud App That's Changing Video Marketing: A Deep Dive into Viewezy.dollarland
4 months agoOle Dammagard and I look at coming riots after elections and what to look for.GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
9 months agoMJ: We have turned the bacterial world against us, how can we correct it before it's too late?GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
4 months agoAll eyes on America on Election Day for a Trump win then the shit hits the fan.SierraDelta
4 months agoMichael Jaco, Kevin Hoyt and guests Linda Bamber and the Suzinator discuss electionsKevinHoytVT
10 months agoFALSE FLAGS Throughout the World Used To Take Away Gun Rights, All Have Similarities; WARNING Punta Gorda FloridaTruths UnlimitedVerified
2 years agoNaomi Wolf: The AMA Lied To Pregnant Women About How Covid Vaccines Effect Them & Their BabiesSunfellow On COVID-19
9 months agoQuite interesting: SG Anon: Trump Optics, American Wars & Manipulation by the CabalTruths UnlimitedVerified
2 years agoLipid Nanoparticles, Created By CCP & Present In Covid Vax, Are Changing Human Beings At The CoreSunfellow On COVID-19
4 months agoIs Trump picking a team to ramp up wars after promising that wouldn't happen?GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
2 years agoNaomi Wolf: Politico Article Reveals Bill Gates Was Behind Global Conspiracy To Push COVID VaccineSunfellow On COVID-19
2 years agoNaomi Wolf: The Vaccine Bioweapon & Suppression Of Harm To Women (Includes Edward Dowd's Stats)Sunfellow On COVID-19
8 months agoWhite hat black hat civil war is on! Deep state IT outage, Blackrock exposedGrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified