1. Forsaking The Assembly is a Sin - JOIN THE BRETHREN! (our souls may be at stake!)

    Forsaking The Assembly is a Sin - JOIN THE BRETHREN! (our souls may be at stake!)

  2. The women on earth have rebelled against God from day #1. (RUN FOR THE HILLS!)

    The women on earth have rebelled against God from day #1. (RUN FOR THE HILLS!)

  3. Christ and I's Ministry = CONSTANT REBUKE FOR THE WICKED and rarely speaking to the righteous!

    Christ and I's Ministry = CONSTANT REBUKE FOR THE WICKED and rarely speaking to the righteous!

  4. A Lesson About Reality, God, Satan, Human History, Salvation & Damnation. (BUCKLE UP!)

    A Lesson About Reality, God, Satan, Human History, Salvation & Damnation. (BUCKLE UP!)

  5. I foolishly want (can't happen) everyone to BE SAVED FROM DAMNATION! Join The Family Of AHAYAH

    I foolishly want (can't happen) everyone to BE SAVED FROM DAMNATION! Join The Family Of AHAYAH